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caring for dog health


Health Tips For Your Dog

Dog Health



There are many aspects of your dogs health that you can

manage relatively easily. Some of these are listed below:


Healthy Diet – Feeding your pet healthy food is one of the most important factors for your pet’s health. See our dog nutrition page for what to look for in a good food.


Arthritis management – If you have a dog that is losing its mobility or is suffering from joint pain, introducing a Glucosamine with chondroitin supplement can be of great benefit. Most pet owners that supplement their dog’s diet with the right Glucosamine chondroitin supplement see an improvement within a short period of time.


Weight management – More than 50% of cats and dogs are considered overweight or obese. Obesity can shorten your pet’s life and impact their quality of life. According to Purina’s 14-year study of 48 Labrador Retrievers, lean-fed dogs (fed 25% less food than their littermates) lived a median of 1.8 years longer than the control group:13.0 years vs 11.2 years for the control group. Treatment for health conditions as they aged was begun at 12.0 years among lean-fed dogs and 9.9 years for the control group. The lean-fed dogs had fewer visible signs of “aging” like graying muzzles. A website with more information can be found here.  You can help keep your pets weight in the healthy range by selecting an appropriate food, managing the quantities they receive and increasing activity.


Allergies- If your pet has food allergies or intolerances, switching to foods that have limited ingredients, no grain, and a different protein source than the current food can help reduce or eliminate reactions. Food allergies and intolerances can be severe (fur falling out, bad rashes, diarrhea) or more subtle (teary eyes, smelly ears, dull coat, itching) 


Tartar and Plaque control –Unlike humans, dogs and cats don’t get cavities very often.  However they are very prone to gum disease and tartar build-up.  Excessive tartar build-up can cause periodontal disease, which can result in painful infection, loose or lost teeth, and bone loss.  As periodontal disease advances, the bacteria can enter the bloodstream and cause infection in the heart, liver, or kidneys. It is estimated that 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats over the age of three suffer from periodontal disease.   How do you control it? Reducing carbohydrates in the diet slows down the formation the of tartar build-up. A recent survey conducted by the “Whole Dog Journal” showed that the 3 most effective methods to keep dogs teeth white were: raw bones, raw diet and brushing their teeth.


Ear Hygiene – Like humans, dogs’ ears produce a waxy substance that can accumulate in the ear canal harboring bacteria and inhibiting air flow. This creates an ideal environment for bacteria and fungal growth, ultimately causing bacterial ear infections and fungal (yeast) ear infections. Many dogs require regular ear cleaning.


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